Tuesday 5 November 2013

Tuesday Hair Tip!

Before curling hair, place a small amount of oil evenly throughout your hair and then curl with an iron or curlers.
It is best to use coconut or Moroccan oil. Olive oil can also be used.


Saturday 2 November 2013

Thursday 31 October 2013

Thursday Skin Tip!

When you place moisturizer on, PAT it on, don't rub it. Rubbing it takes off your skin and disperses it into different places. This can cause skin irritation and can clog your pores. Patting moisturizer on the face helps your skin soak it up better.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Wednesday Makeup Tip!

You can grind dried beet chips in a food processor to make your own homemade, natural blush!

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Another Tuesday Tip!

How about another Tuesday tip for all of you beauties out there procrastinating and staying up late for something? Because I sure am not.. *wink wink
No, but seriously. I have too much free time on my hands. And you know I absolutely love giving you advice and hearing all of your positive feedback (which I appreciate very much), so I thought you guys deserved another beauty tip for your rough Tuesday. Hope you enjoy it!

HAIR TIP* Rinse your hair after a shower with 1/10 apple cider and 9/10 water mixed together to cleanse out any residue in your hair and give it beautiful shine and volume! Remember to rinse your hair again with water to get rid of the smell quicker! The vinegar smell doesn't last long, but rinse anyways. You know, just in case ;P

Tuesdays Tip: Quick Pimple Paste!

Sometimes, you need to get rid of pimples quickly. Here's a nice recipe you can use to effectively reduce swelling and redness overnight!
- Honey
- Lemon
- Baking soda
- Combine all of the ingredients together into a small paste
- Place the paste on the pimple and cover with a bandaid before going to sleep
- Take off in the morning and wash your face. The pimple should have dramatically reduced redness and swelling.
If the pimple is not completely gone, do the same procedure the next night.

Have a fabulous Tuesday!

Monday 28 October 2013

Monday Makeup Tip!

Dip your makeup brushes in rubbing alcohol once a week. Or better yet, dip your makeup brushes in tea tree oil! Get a cup of water, put ten drops of tea tree oil, and then place your makeup brushes in the mixture for 5 minutes. After that, place your wet makeup brushes on a clean, dry towel or napkin. Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant that helps prevent acne. Your brushes will smell like tea tree oil for a while, but it'll keep it clean.
You can also use baby shampoo and apple cider vinegar!
Have a great Monday!